by Fuz Games, Graffiti Games

The Developer Says...

Laugh in the face of death in this hauntingly humorous comedy adventure about a wayward soul trying to make it back to the land of the living. Engage in bullet-hell lite battles, solve puzzles, and communicate with the dead as you navigate this “colorful” world. Death is just the beginning.

Players Like...

❤ Exploring the Afterlife

Players take control of a wayward soul, navigating through a greyscale, pixelated world in search of eight keys that will open the Portal back to the land of the living. The exploration aspect encourages thorough searching, as players can uncover hidden collectibles, secrets, and additional dialogue by combing through each town and environment.

❤ Solving Puzzles in the Afterlife

Interspersed throughout the world are environmental puzzles that challenge players to progress. These range from simple block-pushing puzzles to more complex challenges involving moving platforms, traps, and enemy patterns. While not overly difficult, the puzzles provide a satisfying sense of accomplishment when solved.

❤ Bullet-Hell Battles

A core gameplay pillar is the inclusion of bullet-hell inspired combat sequences. During these encounters, players can shoot projectiles in four directions to defeat waves of enemies. The enemy bullet patterns become increasingly complex, requiring players to deftly dodge and weave through the onslaught of projectiles. Players can adjust the difficulty using an accessibility option that modifies their own strength.

❤ Diversions in the Afterlife

In addition to the exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat, the experience also features a variety of arcade-style minigames. These include a Tapper-inspired game, a shooting gallery, and the ability to find and rescue "Little Bros" hidden throughout the world. These diversions provide a welcome break from the main gameplay loop.

❤ An Engaging Blend of Gameplay

The varied gameplay elements, accessibility options, and abundance of secrets and collectibles ensure that the experience remains fresh and enjoyable throughout the game's runtime. Players praise the engaging blend of exploration, puzzle-solving, and bullet-hell combat, all wrapped in a charming and comedic package.

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