The Developer Says...

EVERSPACE 2 is a fast-paced single-player spaceship shooter with exploration in space and on planets, tons of loot, RPG elements, mining, and crafting. Experience an exciting sci-fi story set in a vivid, handcrafted open world full of secrets, puzzles, and perils.

Players Like...

❤ Pilots Engage in Thrilling Spaceship Dogfights

The game offers smooth, responsive controls that allow players to nimbly dodge, boost, and engage in fast-paced, arcade-style spaceship combat. Reviewers praise the satisfying feel of the various weapon types, from the devastating impact of powerful coil guns to the area-of-effect destruction of high-velocity flak cannons. Enemies demonstrate intelligent, challenging behavior, forcing players to employ tactical maneuvers to gain the upper hand.

❤ Diverse Ship Classes Enable Customized Playstyles

Players can pilot a range of distinct ship classes, including agile fighters, heavy bombers, and support-focused gunships. Each class features unique capabilities, allowing players to experiment and find the playstyle that suits them best. The in-depth customization system lets pilots fine-tune their ships by equipping a variety of weapons, modules, and special abilities, further enhancing the sense of character progression.

❤ Pursuing Powerful Gear Drives the Compelling Loot Cycle

Defeating enemies, completing missions, and exploring the game world rewards players with a steady stream of weapon, module, and ship upgrades. Reviewers highlight the satisfaction of discovering rare and powerful gear, as well as the depth of the game's crafting and upgrading mechanics. This loot-focused progression system is a central draw, as players strive to assemble the perfect loadout to overcome increasingly challenging encounters.

❤ Players Uncover Secrets in Handcrafted Star Systems

While combat and looting are the primary focus, the game's handcrafted environments also encourage exploration and discovery. Players can navigate visually diverse planetary landscapes and space stations, uncovering hidden treasures, solving environmental puzzles, and encountering unexpected events. This sense of mystery and the thrill of the unknown complement the game's fast-paced action.

❤ A Compelling Sci-Fi Narrative Enhances the Experience

In addition to the gameplay-focused elements, the game also features a well-written, character-driven sci-fi story. Reviewers praise the engaging plot and the likable cast of supporting characters, which are seamlessly integrated into the overall experience without disrupting the game's momentum.

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