Lake Haven - Chrysalis

by Encrypt Games

The Developer Says...

This game serves as a prequel chapter for the upcoming game 'Lake Haven'. Detective Zeke Reynold is called to investigate what he assumes will be another case he'll quickly forget, but what he finds will be sewn into the fabric of his existence forever.

Players Like...

❤ Atmosphere and Tone

Developers expertly craft a sense of melancholy and unsettling dread, evoking the moody, dreamlike atmosphere of classic PS1 survival horror games like Silent Hill
Sound design and musical score seamlessly contribute to the creepy, clammy, and decaying environment, making players feel as if they've stumbled into a lost episode of a 90s paranormal investigation show
The game blends moments of eerie stillness with sudden bursts of tension, maintaining a constant sense of unease and the unknown

❤ Narrative and Storytelling

The story's Mulderian dry humor and psychological elements create an intriguing mystery that compels players to uncover more
Serves as an effective prologue that hints at the larger, mind-bending narrative to come in the full "Lake Haven" game
Writing avoids cheap jump scares, instead relying on a slowly unfolding sense of dread and unease

❤ Gameplay and Design

Puzzle design emulates the classic "Resident Evil/Silent Hill" formula, with a satisfying level of challenge that doesn't feel overly obtuse
Camera angles and perspectives are used to enhance the tense, unsettling atmosphere, rather than simply for technical limitations
Includes subtle, self-aware references and easter eggs for attentive players to discover, adding an extra layer of depth

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