
by Subconscious Games

The Developer Says...

Cornucopia is a charming 2.5D pixel art farm sim RPG with an innovative soil/compost system, animal auctions, and pet companions. Craft, explore, fish, cook, fight, decorate, find love, befriend 50+ NPCs, buy properties, and discover the secrets of the Cornucopia. Your choices shape your adventure!

Players Like...

❤ Cultivate the Perfect Soil

The game features an innovative soil and compost system that requires players to carefully manage the nutritional balance of their soil to ensure optimal crop growth. With 66 vegetables, 60 fruit trees, 15 berry bushes, and 22 tree types to choose from, players can engage in a wealth of farming experiments and discoveries to find the perfect combination for their land.

❤ Pets as Companions and Combat Allies

Players can level up their pets, engage them in races, and even breed them to unlock unique traits, colors, and patterns. These pets are more than just decorative companions - they serve as vital allies in resource gathering and combat, unlocking special abilities that make them formidable partners in the player's farming and exploration adventures.

❤ Culinary Mastery

The game offers over 200 recipes for players to explore, each dish serving as a testament to the player's culinary skills. Crafting and perfecting these recipes adds a new layer of depth and player agency to the farming experience.

❤ Arcade Diversions and Rewards

Players can explore a vast arcade filled with a variety of mini-games, collecting tickets that can be exchanged for valuable prizes. These mini-games provide a refreshing diversion from the core farming loop, while also offering meaningful rewards that enhance the player's progress.

❤ Scratch Cards and Surprises

The game's unique scratch card system provides players with a variety of buffs, gifts, and quests. Each new card offers an element of surprise and excitement, as players never know what they might uncover.

❤ Customizable Perspectives and Emergent Gameplay

The 2.5D perspective allows players to adjust the camera view, tilt the world, and see their farm from new and unique perspectives. This customization, combined with the game's open-world design, fosters a sense of emergent gameplay and player agency, where each day can bring new discoveries and adventures.

❤ Depth in Character Interactions

The game features over 50 lovingly crafted characters, including 34+ potential marriage partners, each with their own story and personality. The depth and responsiveness of these character interactions create a rich narrative that evolves based on the player's choices, further enhancing the game's sense of immersion and replayability.

❤ Quality of Life Enhancements

Players can take advantage of a range of quality of life improvements, such as a game speed slider, automatic item storage, and farming tools that evolve with their progress. These features make the farming and combat experience more accessible and engaging, allowing players to tailor the game to their preferences.

❤ Diverse and Compelling Gameplay Loop

The combination of farming, crafting, exploration, combat, fishing, and character interactions creates a diverse and engaging gameplay loop that keeps players invested in the world and their own personal story. The depth and variety of systems ensure that there is always something new to discover or improve upon, fostering a sense of progression and discovery.

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