Clash: Artifacts of Chaos

by ACE Team, Nacon

The Developer Says...

Hunted by mercenaries of an enemy with untold power, the fighter Pseudo and the creature under his protection begin a perilous quest to the edges of strange lands.

Players Like...

❤ Engaging Combat System

Players praise the combat system as a blend of souls-like elements and brawler mechanics, creating a unique and satisfying experience. The ability to cancel attack animations as soon as they connect with an enemy opens up opportunities for creative combo strings and fast-paced, aggressive play. Mastering this animation cancelling system is crucial to overcoming the game's challenging enemy encounters. Additionally, the parry system rewards player skill and timing, as successful parries not only open up enemies to counterattacks but also increase the player's damage output, incentivizing a risk-reward dynamic.

❤ Versatile Martial Arts Styles

The game offers players a variety of martial arts styles to learn and switch between, each with its own unique move set and strengths. For example, the "Mammoth" stance is described as the slowest but most powerful, while the "Jackal" stance is agile and emphasizes quick strikes. The ability to freely alternate between stances mid-combat enables fluid, dynamic fights where players can seamlessly transition between styles to adapt to different enemy types and situations. The upgrading and progression system for the martial arts styles also contributes to the satisfying combat loop, as players can invest resources to improve their favorite stances and unlock new special attacks.

❤ Challenging but Rewarding Difficulty

While not a traditional "souls-like" game, the game's challenging yet fair difficulty is widely praised. Enemies are formidable opponents that can quickly overwhelm the player if they don't approach fights tactically, requiring a balance of aggression, defense, and patience. However, deaths usually feel like a result of the player's own mistakes rather than unfair game design, encouraging experimentation and continued learning.

❤ The Ritual System

One unique gameplay element is the "Ritual" system, which introduces a pre-battle minigame that can alter the rules and conditions of the upcoming fight. For example, the player may have to win a dice roll to determine the presence of environmental hazards or the summoning of allied creatures. This system is praised for adding an extra layer of strategy and unpredictability to combat encounters, as players must carefully consider the potential advantages or disadvantages of the Ritual outcome and adjust their approach accordingly.

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