Nightmare Frames

by Postmodern Adventures

The Developer Says...

Nightmare Frames is a supernatural thriller where you'll step into the shoes of Alan Goldberg, in the search for the scariest horror film of all time. An enthralling journey through the streets of the Hollywood of the 80s, a small haunted town, and even Hell itself.

Players Like...

❤ Exploration and Navigation

Players freely navigate a variety of detailed, hand-crafted environments, including the streets of 1980s Hollywood, a haunted small town called Serena, and even the depths of Hell. The game's pixel art style and attention to detail create a strong sense of place and immersion.

❤ Inventory-Based Puzzles

Solving inventory-based puzzles forms the core of the gameplay. Players collect and combine items found in the environment to overcome obstacles and advance the story. While the puzzles are generally logical and well-integrated into the narrative, some reviewers noted that a few required more "pixel-hunting" than others.

❤ Dialogue and Characterization

Conversing with the game's diverse and well-written cast of characters comprises a significant portion of the gameplay. Reviewers praise the quality, depth, and ability of the dialogue to develop the protagonist, Alan Goldberg, from an initially unsympathetic figure into a more complex and relatable character over the course of the story.

❤ Accessibility and Difficulty

According to reviews, the puzzles tend to be on the easier side, making the game accessible to a wide range of players. However, this does not detract from the overall experience, as the strength lies in the engaging narrative and atmospheric storytelling rather than challenging puzzle design.

❤ Quality of Life Features

The game includes several quality of life features that enhance the player experience, such as the ability to quickly skip through text, multiple save slots, and an in-game radio that plays licensed synthwave tracks. These features help to create a polished and user-friendly adventure game experience.

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