
by Half Asleep

The Developer Says...

Melatonin is a rhythm game about dreams and reality merging together. It uses animations and sound cues to keep you on beat without any intimidating overlays or interfaces. Harmonize through a variety of dreamy levels containing surprising challenges, hand-drawn art, and vibrant music.

Players Like...

❤ Rhythmic Inputs and Patterns

Players primarily use a combination of left, right, and central action (typically spacebar) inputs to time their button presses with the beat and visual cues on screen. The gameplay incorporates various rhythm patterns, ranging from single taps to holds and simultaneous left-right inputs. The complexity of these inputs gradually increases across different levels, providing a growing challenge for players.

❤ Structured Progression and Scoring

The game progresses through 4 "nights", each containing 4 individual levels. After completing the first 4 levels of a night, players unlock a 5th "remix" level that combines elements from the previous 4. To advance to the next night, players must earn a minimum of 8 stars across the first 4 levels. Levels can be played in either "score" mode (normal difficulty) or "hard" mode, which introduces more intricate rhythm patterns. Completing levels awards players stars for the normal difficulty and rings for the hard difficulty, based on their performance. Achieving a perfect rating on every note is required to earn the maximum 3 stars/rings per level. The scoring system is quite punishing - any early or late inputs, as well as missed notes, significantly reduce a player's score and make it challenging to reach the high score thresholds. This design decision encourages players to develop precise timing and extensive practice to master the levels.

❤ Accessibility and Customization Options

The game offers a variety of accessibility features to accommodate players of different skill levels. These include the ability to increase the timing window for perfect inputs, enable a metronome, and turn on visual cues to aid in rhythm recognition. The "Practice" mode for each level also allows players to familiarize themselves with the rhythm patterns and mechanics. Additionally, Melatonin includes a level editor, enabling players to create and share their own custom rhythm game levels. While the editor's functionality is currently limited, it provides an avenue for community-driven content expansion.

❤ Comparison to Rhythm Heaven

Many players have drawn comparisons between Melatonin and the Rhythm Heaven series, noting similarities in the rhythm-based gameplay, quirky visual style, and focus on harmonizing with the music. However, Melatonin sets itself apart by offering a more serene, lo-fi aesthetic and a slightly less punishing overall difficulty curve compared to the Rhythm Heaven titles.

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