Touhou Fairy Knockout ~ One fairy to rule them all

by 二色幽紫蝶

The Developer Says...

You will role-play as playful fairies with unique personalities, and accomplish your own Gekokujō in Gensokyo where the strong gather! Make your own favorite fairy character the strongest with your own hands!

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

Players take control of various fairy characters from the Touhou universe and engage in head-stomping battles. The core gameplay loop revolves around knocking down and defeating opponents by stomping on their heads or crashing into them.

❤ Unique Fairy Characters

The game offers nine playable fairy characters, each with their own distinct personalities and abilities. Players can choose from familiar faces like Cirno, as well as more obscure fairies like Lily Black, allowing them to experiment and find a fairy that suits their playstyle.

❤ Dynamic Battlefield

The game features a dynamic battlefield with constantly changing weather effects and item spawns every 10 seconds. Weather effects, such as the Scorching Sun draining health or the Sunny weather instantly knocking out opponents in the air, introduce an additional layer of strategy as players must adapt to the shifting conditions.

❤ Item Interactions

Players can collect a variety of items, ranging from helpful power-ups like the Giant Popsicle, which restores health, to disruptive items like the Durian, which forces enemies to the ground. The interplay between these items and the weather effects adds depth to the gameplay, as players must carefully consider when and how to use them to their advantage.

❤ Singleplayer Story Mode

Players can embark on a singleplayer campaign spanning five stages, each with its own bosses. This mode allows them to experience the unique storylines and dialogues of the different fairy characters, adding narrative context to the otherwise chaotic gameplay.

❤ Multiplayer Chaos

The game features both networked and local multiplayer modes, allowing up to four players to engage in frenzied head-stomping battles, either cooperatively in the story mode or competitively in the dedicated PvP mode. While the multiplayer experience may be hampered by latency issues, it promises an abundance of chaotic and entertaining moments.

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