Screeps: World

by Screeps, LLC

The Developer Says...

Screeps: World is an open source MMO RTS sandbox game for programming enthusiasts, wherein the core mechanic is programming your units AI. You control your colony by writing JavaScript which operates 24/7 in the single persistent open world filled by other players on par with you.

Players Like...

❤ Unique Gameplay Concept

Screeps: World sets itself apart from traditional RTS games by putting programming at the core of the gameplay. Instead of directly controlling units, players write JavaScript code to program the behavior of their in-game "creeps." This allows for a high degree of customization and automation, as you can design complex AI systems to manage resource gathering, construction, defense, and expansion within the persistent, shared game world.

❤ Persistent, Competitive Sandbox World

The game takes place in a single, persistent open world that all players inhabit. This creates a competitive, sandbox-style environment where you must constantly adapt and optimize your code to gain an advantage over rival colonies. Your actions and the impact of your colony carry over indefinitely, so you must be strategic in your approach.

❤ Programming as Core Mechanic

The core gameplay loop revolves around programming. You must write efficient, effective JavaScript code to control your creeps and manage the various aspects of your in-game colony. This appeals to players with a passion for programming, logic, and problem-solving, as you can apply your coding skills to overcome challenges and outmaneuver opponents.

❤ Automation and Optimization

A key aspect of the game is the ability to automate many of the repetitive tasks. You can write code to handle the harvesting of resources, construction of buildings, and deployment of defensive measures, among other functions. This allows you to focus on higher-level strategy and optimization, constantly refining your codebase to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your colony.

❤ Persistent Progression and Incremental Complexity

As you expand your colony and unlock new game mechanics, the complexity increases. Managing larger colonies, defending against more sophisticated attacks, and optimizing resource usage become increasingly challenging. However, the persistent nature of the game world means that your hard work and progress are maintained, providing a sense of long-term investment and achievement.

❤ Emergent Gameplay and Unexpected Interactions

Due to the open-ended nature of the programming-based gameplay, the game often leads to unexpected interactions and emergent behaviors. You may encounter unintended consequences or novel strategies developed by your opponents, requiring you to adapt and improvise. This unpredictability adds to the game's appeal, as you must constantly be on the lookout for new challenges and opportunities.

❤ Community and Collaborative Potential

Screeps has a dedicated community of players who share code, discuss strategies, and help one another. The game's open-source nature and robust online resources make it accessible to both experienced programmers and those new to coding. This collaborative aspect enhances the game's appeal, as you can learn from each other and form alliances to achieve larger goals.

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