Submachine: Legacy

by Mateusz Skutnik

The Developer Says...

Submachine is a hand-drawn puzzle adventure game. You find yourself in a vast network of desolate locations containing puzzles, secrets, notes and items to collect to help you along the way. Follow the story of a banished lighthouse keeper to discover his descent into ruins.

Players Like...

❤ Puzzle Solving

Players praise the game's puzzles for seamlessly integrating with the game world. Rather than feeling like arbitrary challenges, the puzzles follow the established logic of the Submachine universe, presenting natural obstacles for players to overcome. While not overly difficult, the puzzles still require careful observation and lateral thinking to solve. For example, reviewers highlight how the "e=mc2" puzzle in Chapter 2 received a significant clarity improvement over the original version. Overall, the puzzles propel players forward through the interconnected locations, striking a nice balance between new twists on classic mechanics and familiar problem-solving.

❤ Nonlinear Exploration

The game world encourages methodical, open-ended exploration, allowing players to uncover new areas at their own pace. As they progress, players can revisit previous rooms and apply newfound knowledge or abilities to access previously blocked paths, similar to a Metroidvania structure. Reviewers appreciate how this design gives a genuine sense of gradually unveiling and understanding the expansive underground network of "desolate locations."

❤ Tactile Interactivity

Simple interactions, like turning valves or collecting items, are accompanied by appropriate sound effects and visual feedback that enhance the tactile feel. While some sound effects have been updated from the original releases, reviewers note that the overall audio design still perfectly captures the eerie, atmospheric tone. A few minor issues are mentioned, such as the repetitive "electrical charge" sound being overused and the volume of certain sound effects being imbalanced.

❤ Seamless Progression

The game seamlessly connects the original chapters, providing new transitions and introductions that help players smoothly progress from one area to the next. Reviewers highlight this as a significant improvement over the disjointed feel of the original releases, noting that the pacing and flow enhance the overall experience.

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