Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew

by Mimimi Games

The Developer Says...

Welcome to the Lost Caribbean! In this stealth strategy game, join a ghost ship with a living soul and assemble a cursed pirate crew. Embrace magical powers to defy the menacing army of the Inquisition, who stands between you and the mysterious treasure of the legendary Captain Mordechai.

Players Like...

❤ Flexible Crew Selection Encourages Experimentation

Players laud the ability to freely select any 3 out of 8 playable characters (plus 2 DLC) to bring on each mission. This contrasts with previous titles where the party was pre-determined. The diverse abilities of the crew members, such as Afia's mythical sword dashes and Gaëlle's magical cannon launchers, encourage players to switch up their approach between missions and experiment with different combinations.

❤ Supernatural Abilities Add Unique Flair

Reviewers highlight the fantastical supernatural powers possessed by the cursed pirate crew as a major gameplay highlight. These abilities, ranging from time-bending sword strikes to portal-opening soul anchors, add a distinct flavor to the classic stealth tactics formula and enable more creative solutions to each challenge.

❤ Open-Ended Level Design Provides Freedom

The game features more open-ended level design compared to previous entries, allowing players to choose their own entry and exit points on each island. This, combined with the flexible crew selection, gives players a greater sense of autonomy in how they tackle each mission, rather than being funneled down a specific route.

❤ Smooth, Satisfying Execution

Many reviewers praise the "satisfying" and "smooth" feel of the moment-to-moment gameplay execution. The various character abilities are described as visually "flashy and super satisfying to watch" when used properly, indicating a high level of polish and responsiveness in the stealth and combat mechanics.

❤ Ample Replayability

The open-ended nature of the levels and the ability to experiment with different crew compositions are said to provide substantial replayability. Players can approach each mission in novel ways, leading to a variety of unique experiences. The inclusion of optional challenges and badges further incentivizes revisiting levels to discover new solutions.

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