Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive

by VR Designs, Slitherine Ltd.

The Developer Says...

Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive is the fourth wargame in the Decisive Campaign series. Covering the battles in the Ardennes between December 1944 and January 1945, it brings to life Operational wargaming by lowering the scale to just above tactical level.

Players Like...

❤ Operational-Tactical Scale

Players appreciate how the game lowers the scale to just above tactical level, with the battalion as the main unit of maneuver. This operational-tactical approach brings the "Operational wargaming" experience to life, providing a greater level of detail and realism compared to higher-level strategic wargames.

❤ Dynamic Weather and Time of Day

One of the game's major highlights is its intricate weather system and time of day mechanics. The game features over 5 different hex states, displaying various combinations of precipitation, snow cover, and frost. These weather conditions can significantly impact line of sight, movement, and combat. Similarly, the day-night cycle forces players to carefully consider whether to advance under the cover of darkness or wait for daylight. These dynamic environmental factors add an immersive and challenging layer to the gameplay.

❤ Line of Sight and Reconnaissance

The introduction of line of sight mechanics is a significant new feature for the series. Hills and terrain now block line of sight, making reconnaissance a crucial consideration. Players need to carefully manage their reconnaissance units to gather information about enemy dispositions without being detected themselves.

❤ Supply and Logistics

The game has overhauled the supply system, adding new logistical challenges. Traffic congestion can disrupt fuel deliveries, forcing players to carefully manage their supply lines. The removal of "owned" hexes means enemy units can infiltrate and disrupt supply routes, creating additional logistical headaches for players.

❤ Combat Mechanics

The combat system offers more tactical depth, allowing players to choose between different intensities of attack, from probing to all-out assaults. The "Intercept Fire" mechanic makes advancing in open terrain a risky proposition, as enemy units can react to player movements. This adds dynamism to the battles and encourages tactical maneuvering.

❤ Uncertainty and Flexibility

An optional "Uncertainty" rule introduces hidden combat modifiers for units, adding an element of unpredictability to engagements. Players also have the ability to create ad-hoc Kampfgruppen and scrap equipment on the fly, providing greater tactical flexibility.

❤ Accessibility and User Experience

The game is praised for its streamlined user interface and controls, making it more accessible for newcomers to the series or the wargaming genre. The left-right-click conventions and improved UI help create a smoother, more intuitive experience when commanding units.

❤ AI Challenges

The reworked AI provides a solid challenge, even on regular difficulty settings. Players appreciate the AI's ability to execute tactical maneuvers like flanking, exploiting breakthroughs, and concentrating forces for assaults, creating a compelling and realistic opponent.

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