Digimon World: Next Order

by HYDE, Inc., Bandai Namco Entertainment

The Developer Says...

The Digital World has run rampant with Machinedramon and is now in a state of utter chaos. As a Digidestined, it’s up to you to restore order to the world in Digimon World: Next Order, a monster collecting RPG.

Players Like...

❤ Raising Your Digimon Partners

You must actively attend to your Digimon's needs, such as feeding them, taking them to the bathroom, and ensuring they get enough rest. This "Tamagotchi-like" virtual pet system is a central part of the gameplay loop, as how you raise and train your Digimon will directly impact their growth and eventual Digivolution paths. You'll grow attached to your Digimon partners as you nurture them from babies to powerful champions. The ability to have two Digimon companions at once further deepens this experience, as you must balance the individual needs and development of both creatures.

❤ Exploration and Recruitment

As you venture out into different regions, you'll encounter a wide array of Digimon species to battle and potentially convince to join your growing city of Floatia. You'll uncover new areas, and the gameplay loop of strengthening your Digimon so they can take on tougher challenges and recruit more powerful allies is engaging. Building up Floatia by attracting new Digimon residents, unlocking upgrades, and managing resources adds an engaging town-building dimension.

❤ Cooperative Battle System

In combat, you issue commands and cheer on your two Digimon as they work cooperatively to defeat their foes. This "hands-off" approach allows you to focus on the strategic element of choosing the right attacks and abilities, while still feeling a sense of involvement through your ability to influence the flow of the battle. The need to carefully train and synergize your two Digimon partners adds depth to the combat.

❤ Nonlinear Progression and Replayability

The game's emphasis on Digimon Digivolution and city-building allows for a more freeform, emergent style of advancement. As you experiment with different training regimens and Digimon combinations, you can unlock a wide variety of evolution paths and party compositions. This, combined with the cyclical nature of Digimon lifespans and the need to constantly raise new generations, gives the game a high degree of replayability and encourages you to approach each playthrough with a fresh perspective.

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