Exodus Borealis

by Smug Marmot Studios

The Developer Says...

In this city builder and tower defense game, you will command a small band of ship wrecked colonists. Progress from struggling to survive the elements to a thriving kingdom that will smash the demon hordes that dare attack your settlement.

Players Like...

❤ City Building and Resource Management

Players must carefully manage their limited starting resources and colony of fox-like survivors to build up a thriving settlement. This involves tasks like constructing housing, gathering food, researching new technologies, and ensuring the well-being of citizens. The game presents an ongoing balancing act, as resources spent on defense come at the cost of colony development, and vice versa. Players must make strategic choices in allocating their workforce and resources to keep their settlement functioning and growing.

❤ Innovative Tower Defense

The tower defense aspect offers complete freedom to construct maze-like defensive layouts using a variety of specialized towers. These towers can be further customized and enhanced through the use of elemental gems, which create complex synergies and interactions. Mastering the game's eight-element system is key to creating an effective and efficient defense against the ever-increasing demonic horde.

❤ Emergent Gameplay and Replayability

The combination of city building, resource management, and tower defense creates a highly replayable experience. No two playthroughs are the same, as players must constantly adapt their strategies to the unique challenges presented by each of the six hand-crafted island maps and the randomized elemental gem system. The game's difficulty scales over time, forcing players to continually innovate and optimize their defenses to survive.

❤ Responsive Developer Support

The solo developer of this game actively engages with the community, addressing player feedback and implementing quality-of-life changes. This level of ongoing support and dedication to the game's improvement has been widely praised by the playerbase, who appreciate the developer's commitment to delivering a polished and enjoyable experience.

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