STAR WARS™ Rebellion

by Coolhand Interactive, LucasArts, Lucasfilm, Disney

The Developer Says...

It is a time of great upheaval. The first Death Star has been destroyed, marking a major victory for the Rebellion. But the Empire remains strong. As commander, you must choose to take control of either the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire. Your goal: complete domination of the galaxy.

Players Like...

❤ Comprehensive Resource Management

Players take on the role of either the Galactic Empire or the Rebel Alliance in this deep and engaging grand strategy game. The comprehensive resource management system requires you to carefully balance manufacturing, resources, fleet deployment, and mission assignments across the expansive Star Wars galaxy. Constructing shipyards, mining facilities, and research labs is essential to powering your war effort, as you manage the flow of raw materials, refined resources, and maintenance costs.

❤ Innovative 3D Battle Simulation

When fleets engage in combat, you can take direct command and control of the ships and fighters in innovative 3D battle simulations. Maneuvering capital ships and squadrons of iconic Star Wars fighters, you can exploit the strengths and weaknesses of different unit types, intercept enemy supply lines, focus fire on key targets, and support ground assaults with orbital bombardment.

❤ Asymmetric Factions and Objectives

The asymmetric nature of the two factions creates a compelling strategic challenge. As the Galactic Empire, you start with a significant technological and military advantage, represented by powerful capital ships, elite ground forces, and a vast industrial base. However, maintaining control over the sprawling empire leaves you vulnerable to covert Rebel operations. Conversely, as the Rebel Alliance, you begin in a weaker position but can leverage diplomacy, sabotage, and guerrilla tactics to slowly erode the Empire's grip on the galaxy, with victory conditions focused on capturing key targets rather than outright conquest.

❤ Diverse Toolset and Roleplaying Elements

Beyond fleet management and resource allocation, the game features a robust system of special characters, covert operations, and diplomatic maneuvering. You can deploy unique heroes like Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader to accomplish a variety of tasks, from leading fleets in battle to conducting espionage and sabotage missions. Carefully planning and executing these special operations can have a significant impact on the strategic balance of power, as you sway planetary populations to your side through peaceful means or by stoking unrest and uprisings.

❤ Depth and Replayability

The combination of comprehensive resource management, innovative battle simulations, asymmetric faction design, and a diverse toolset of strategic options makes this game a deep and highly replayable experience. With up to 200 planets to control and the ability to play as either the Empire or the Rebellion, no two playthroughs are exactly the same, as you constantly adapt your strategies and tactics to the shifting tides of the galactic civil war.

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