Escape Machine City: Airborne

by Big Loop Studios, Snapbreak

The Developer Says...

It has been two days since the once vibrant Air City went completely silent and now it seems to be flying on its own

Players Like...

❀ Exploration and Puzzle-Solving Mechanics

Players take on the role of a pilot tasked with investigating the mysterious airborne metropolis of "Air City." The game's 15 levels challenge players to explore the city's various environments, collect and combine items, and manipulate interactive objects to solve a series of logic-based puzzles. The puzzle design follows a "pick up an item and insert it elsewhere" formula, which reviewers find satisfying due to the tactile feedback and animations conveyed by the 3D environments.

❀ Difficulty Progression and Accessibility

The puzzles start off relatively simple, making the game accessible for newcomers to the genre. However, the difficulty gradually increases as players progress, providing a sense of challenge and accomplishment. Reviewers note that the puzzles are generally "easy" or "not too challenging," well-suited for casual players, children, and those new to point-and-click adventures. That said, some experienced puzzle enthusiasts desired a higher degree of difficulty.

❀ Helpful Features

To assist players, the game includes a hint system that provides guidance when they become stuck. Additionally, players can opt to skip puzzles entirely. While some reviewers noted issues with the usefulness of the hints in certain situations, these features are seen as enhancing the game's casual and relaxing nature.

❀ Captivating Presentation

Reviewers praise the game's visually appealing 3D graphics, which evoke a charming retro-futuristic, steampunk-inspired aesthetic. The colorful environments, particularly the "fun fair" and "amusement park" areas, are engaging to explore. The ambient audio and custom soundtrack also contribute to the game's immersive atmosphere, creating a calming and enjoyable experience.

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