Breakout 13

by ALT Lab

The Developer Says...

Breakout 13 is a thrilling narrative game with interactive cinematic experience. Based on true stories. Embark on a revealing journey as you attempt to break free from a negligent correctional institute and carve out your own path to justice. Each decision you make shapes the story.

Players Like...

❤ Narrative Choices and Consequences

Players shape the story's progression and outcomes by making narrative choices. The game features thousands of possible paths and multiple endings, both good and bad. Each decision, whether major or minor, has tangible consequences that impact the fate of the protagonist and those around him. Revisiting key choices can lead to vastly different experiences and conclusions, allowing for high replayability.

❤ Interactive Gameplay Elements

In addition to narrative choices, the game incorporates various interactive elements. Players must complete quick-time events (QTEs) during tense sequences, explore environments to gather clues, solve deductive reasoning puzzles, and even monitor real-time surveillance feeds. These interactive segments break up the passive FMV sequences, giving players a more active role in progressing the story.

❤ Relationship Management

Players' choices and actions influence their relationships with supporting characters. The game features a dynamic relationship system where the protagonist's standing with others can improve or deteriorate based on the player's decisions. Maintaining positive relationships unlocks new options and narrative paths, while alienating certain characters can lead to more hostile or tragic outcomes. Carefully managing these interpersonal dynamics is a key part of the gameplay.

❤ Accessibility and Quality of Life

The game includes several quality-of-life features that enhance the player's experience. Players can skip previously viewed scenes, adjust playback speed, and access a chapter select system. Additionally, the game provides English subtitles, making it accessible to a wider audience despite its Chinese roots. These features allow players to focus on the compelling narrative without being hindered by technical or language barriers.

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