
by Gamecom Team,

The Developer Says...

Grab a backpack, boxing tape, and focus on what high school is all about: Beating the ever loving crap out of one another! Troublemaker blends favorite action-adventure-beat-'em-up elements from the strongest traditions in the genre.

Players Like...

❤ Combat System

The combat system features a simple but responsive control scheme, with players able to perform light and heavy attacks, block/parry enemy strikes, and unleash special "Gerakan Gokil" (crazy moves) that become unlockable and upgradable as players progress.

❤ Move Set Variety

While the combat is generally satisfying, several reviews note that the move set can feel a bit limited and repetitive over time. Players criticize the lack of extensive combos and varied attack patterns, though the inclusion of environmental interactions, such as using objects as improvised weapons, helps to add some diversity to the brawling.

❤ Progression and Customization

The progression system allows players to tailor the protagonist Budi's abilities to their preferred playstyle, upgrading his stats and unlocking new special moves by spending currencies earned through gameplay. Some reviewers felt that the stat upgrades didn't always feel impactful, but others appreciated the sense of growth and customization.

❤ Minigames and Exploration

In between the main story missions and combat, the game offers a variety of minigames and exploration opportunities around the high school setting. These range from simple diversions like basketball shooting to more involved challenges like a horror-themed VHS tape game. While not all the minigames were equally well-received, they were praised for adding an extra layer of variety to the gameplay.

❤ Controls and Camera

A few reviewers mentioned that the control scheme, particularly the use of shoulder buttons for common actions like running and dodging, took some getting used to, especially for players familiar with similar titles. The camera placement during combat was also cited as a potential issue in tight indoor spaces.

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