Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out

by A Sharp, Kitfox Games

The Developer Says...

Life after myths. Death, disaster, despair. A standalone survival-storybook combining interactive fiction and turn-based strategy. The world is ending, and your small clan’s survival depends on how you manage its relationship with the remaining gods and their followers.

Players Like...

❤ Detailed Clan Management

As the leader of a clan struggling to survive in a world on the brink of collapse, players must make intricate decisions to oversee every aspect of their community's well-being. The game features a robust council system, allowing players to appoint advisors with unique skills and personalities to assist in resource gathering, trade, diplomacy, and religious rituals. Managing the competing agendas and relationships within this council is crucial, as advisors may argue amongst themselves or act against the player's wishes.

❤ Balancing Limited Resources

Maintaining adequate food production, herd health, and trade networks are paramount to the clan's survival. However, the game does not provide clear numerical feedback on resource levels, forcing players to infer the status of their supplies from contextual clues and advisor reactions. This opaque resource management system adds complexity, as players must carefully balance these elements without the benefit of precise data.

❤ Navigating Mythology and Ritual

Religion and mythology permeate this experience, as players must navigate a pantheon of dying gods. Performing rituals and making offerings to curry divine favor unlocks powerful blessings, but these come at the cost of valuable clan resources. Exploring the rich lore of the Glorantha setting is an integral part of the gameplay.

❤ Facing Tough, Ambiguous Choices

Throughout the experience, players confront difficult decisions that carry sweeping, unpredictable consequences for their clan. Whether aiding a neighboring tribe, sacrificing a precious resource, or risking lives on a dangerous expedition, each choice presents shades of gray without clear "right" or "wrong" answers. This forces players to weigh complex tradeoffs based on their own priorities and the unique circumstances of their clan.

❤ Replayable Narrative Depth

With over 600 interactive scenes and procedurally generated narratives, every playthrough presents a unique set of challenges and story arcs. Players can also continue the legacy of their clan from the previous game in the series, adding an extra layer of depth and continuity to the experience.

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