We are Eva

by Totally Normal Creature

The Developer Says...

Play in multiple dimensions at the same time, traveling through them at will in this innovative 2D platformer that defies boundaries! I'm Eva, by the way, and I promise we'll have fun! Or maybe not... Maybe we'll both suffer horribly... How should I know? I'm just a video game character...

Players Like...

❤ Switching Between Dimensions

The core mechanic that sets this game apart is the ability to instantly switch between two distinct versions of each level, known as "dimensions." These dimensions often present vastly different environmental challenges, such as limited visibility, increased gravity, or the possibility of flight. Deftly navigating between these two worlds and leveraging their unique properties is essential for progressing through the levels.

❤ Dynamically Adjusting Levels

Whenever players die, the game procedurally modifies the level, introducing new obstacles or rearranging platforms. This ensures that players cannot simply memorize a single optimal route, but must adapt their strategies with each new attempt. This dynamic level design maintains a consistent sense of challenge and discovery, preventing the gameplay from feeling stale.

❤ Precise Platforming Challenges

At its foundation, the gameplay revolves around demanding precision platforming. Levels feature narrow platforms, perilous pits, and other obstacles that require pixel-perfect jumps and movements. Incorporating the dimensional switching mechanic adds an extra layer of complexity, as players must coordinate their actions across the two worlds to safely traverse each challenge.

❤ Diverse Level Gimmicks

Each level introduces a unique gimmick or twist, further enhancing the sense of variety and exploration. Examples include levels with limited lighting, forcing players to navigate in near-darkness, and worlds where the character can jump to extraordinary heights, requiring entirely new movement strategies. This diversity in level design keeps the gameplay fresh and engaging, encouraging players to experiment and adapt their approach.

❤ Charming Protagonist

The protagonist, Eva, serves as an entertaining and charismatic companion throughout the adventure. Her frequent fourth-wall breaking commentary and sassy personality inject humor and character into the experience. While some players found her presence grating at times, many appreciated the unique personality that she brings to the platforming challenges.

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