Dead Estate

by Milkbar Lads, 2 Left Thumbs

The Developer Says...

Cornered with nowhere else to turn, can you escape the monster-filled mansion? Dead Estate is a gory, fast-paced, challenging rogue-like shooter with a heavy emphasis on horror.

Players Like...

❤ Players Traverse Monster-Filled Floors in Engaging Rogue-like Shooter

The gameplay loop immerses players in a fast-paced, challenging experience as they ascend through the procedurally generated floors of a monster-filled mansion. Facing off against a variety of unique enemies and bosses, players must strategically navigate the tense, close-quarters combat encounters. Leveraging a diverse arsenal of over 100 weapons and 220 items, players must overcome the game's grueling challenges through careful positioning and skill-based execution.

❤ 10 Unique Playable Characters Offer Distinct Playstyles

The game's roster of 10 playable characters each provide a markedly different approach to the experience. From the high-mobility, close-range shotgun wielder Jules to the more methodical, long-range approach of Jeff, players can experiment with a variety of playstyles to suit their preferences. This character diversity adds significant replayability, as each run can feel distinctly different depending on the chosen protagonist.

❤ Depth and Customization Enhance Replayability

As players progress, they'll encounter a wealth of items and weapons that can dramatically alter the course of a run. These range from damage-boosting upgrades to unique, situational abilities, allowing for a high degree of customization and experimentation. Additionally, the game features "blessing and curse" modifiers that can be applied to each run, further enhancing the strategic depth and replayability of the experience.

❤ Tightly Tuned Controls and Intense, Claustrophobic Combat

The game's isometric perspective and compact room design create a sense of intensity and claustrophobia, requiring players to carefully navigate the environment and manage their positioning relative to the hordes of enemies. The responsive, twin-stick shooter-inspired controls allow for precise, skill-based play, rewarding players who can masterfully evade attacks and land their shots.

❤ Procedural Generation Ensures Unique Experiences

Each run through the mansion features a unique layout, enemy placements, and environmental challenges, ensuring that no two experiences are exactly the same. Additionally, the game boasts alternate floor variants and secret areas to uncover, further expanding the depth and variety of the gameplay.

❤ Continuous Post-launch Support Keeps the Experience Fresh

The developers have consistently added new features, characters, items, and challenges through frequent post-launch updates, ensuring that the experience remains engaging and evolves over time.

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