Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition

by Relic Entertainment, Forgotten Empires, Climax Studios, World's Edge, Xbox Game Studios

The Developer Says...

Celebrating its first year of delighting millions of global players, the award-winning and best-selling strategy franchise continues with Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition, putting you at the center of even more epic historical battles that shaped the world.

Players Like...

❤ Mastering Distinct Civilizations

Players can choose from 8 diverse and asymmetrical civilizations, each with unique gameplay mechanics, tech trees, and playstyles. The highly mobile Mongols, for instance, can pack up and relocate their buildings, while the Abbasid Dynasty specializes in defensive play and generating gold through garrisoning religious structures. Mastering these distinct strengths and weaknesses is crucial, as no two matches play out the same.

❤ Balancing Vital Resources

Effective resource management is central to the gameplay experience. Players must carefully balance the gathering of food, wood, gold, and stone to expand their economy, construct buildings, research technologies, and build a powerful military. The return of resource drop-off points from a previous series entry adds an additional layer of tactical decision-making, as players must position their resource gatherers efficiently.

❤ Progressing Through the Ages

Advancing to each of the game's four ages (Dark, Feudal, Castle, Imperial) unlocks new unit types, technologies, and unique "age up" abilities or structures. This meaningful progression ensures that the gameplay experience evolves over the course of a match, with players facing new strategic challenges as they climb the technological ladder.

❤ Executing Tactical Combat

Combat is deeply tactical, with a strong emphasis on combined-arms strategies. Each military unit type has distinct strengths and weaknesses, requiring players to carefully compose their armies to counter their opponent's composition. Effectively utilizing siege weapons, supporting melee units, and maneuvering around the battlefield is crucial to securing victories. The addition of wall combat, where ranged units gain a defensive bonus when garrisoned on fortifications, further incentivizes thoughtful positioning.

❤ Adapting to Dynamic Maps

The game's maps feature a variety of interactive elements that add depth to the gameplay. The presence of "sacred sites" that can be captured to earn victory points encourages map control and mobility, while unique geographical features like cliffs, forests, and rivers force players to adapt their strategies. Hunting giant animals like elephants and boars provides significant food bounties but requires coordinated efforts to overcome. These dynamic map elements ensure that no two skirmishes or games feel the same, rewarding players who can identify and exploit the terrain to their advantage.

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