Ballistic Tanks

by Kirklight Games

The Developer Says...

Ballistic Tanks is the best tank game you've played since the 80's. Battle in exhilarating local multiplayer, or challenge yourself in an intense solo/co-op arcade mode. Play 5 game modes in over 50 maps; and destroy your enemies in a frenzy of bullets, lasers, and explosions!

Players Like...

❤ Fluid Tank Maneuverability

Players control their tanks using the analog sticks or direction buttons, allowing them to turn on a dime and execute sharp, nimble movements. This unique control scheme, where tanks can rotate quickly while moving relatively slowly, enables intense, evasive maneuvers during the hectic firefights. Reviewers praise this responsive handling as it creates a dynamic, skill-based gameplay loop.

❤ Powerful Armaments

The tanks are equipped with a single, devastating main cannon that can destroy an enemy in a single direct hit. Players must carefully aim and time their shots to maximize damage. In addition, a variety of powerful upgrades and special weapons are available, such as shotgun-style spreads, explosive rounds, and homing missiles. Mastering these different armaments and their situational uses adds strategic depth to the combat.

❤ Chaotic Multiplayer Mayhem

The game shines in its local multiplayer modes, supporting up to 4 players battling simultaneously. Popular modes include free-for-all Deathmatch, the Juggernaut mode where players compete to destroy a powerful, supercharged tank, and the dynamic Powershift mode which introduces randomized gameplay modifiers each round. The emergent, unpredictable nature of these multiplayer skirmishes, combined with the responsive controls and diverse arsenal, create a wonderfully chaotic, yet skill-based experience.

❤ Addictive Arcade Challenge

For solo players, the Arcade mode provides an intense, wave-based challenge. Facing off against a constantly increasing onslaught of enemy tanks, planes, and other hazards, players must maximize their score and survive as many rounds as possible. Reviewers highlight the addictive, high-score chasing gameplay loop of this mode, which keeps the action fresh and exciting with its variety of unpredictable enemies and environmental hazards.

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