
by David Vinokurov

The Developer Says...

Netherguild is a turn-based tactical roguelite dungeon-crawler, where you command expeditions below the earth in a desperate attempt to cure a strange plague. Explore, camp, and fight as far as you can before heading back to resupply. What will you discover underground?

Players Like...

❤ Tactical Turn-Based Combat

The game's turn-based tactical combat system heavily focuses on player skill and resource management, eschewing randomized hit chances. Players must carefully position their party members, choose abilities wisely, and decide when to press an advantage or tactically retreat. This no-RNG approach ensures that players' decisions and mastery of the mechanics are the primary factors in success or failure.

❤ Expedition Management

Players must meticulously select party members, equip them appropriately, and determine how far to delve into the procedurally-generated dungeon before returning to the surface. Bringing back valuable resources and loot is crucial, but risking party members' health and lives must be weighed against potential rewards. This tension between risk and reward creates a compelling loop of planning expeditions, surviving the challenges below, and using the spoils to improve the party for future runs.

❤ Character Progression

As players complete expeditions and survive, their party members gain levels and access new skills and equipment. This persistent character progression allows for meaningful build customization and the development of specialized party compositions. The varied class abilities, weapon types, and passive effects provide ample opportunity to experiment with different playstyles and strategies, further enhancing the game's replayability.

❤ Procedural Exploration

The ever-changing layout, enemy encounters, and environmental challenges of the procedurally generated dungeons force players to adapt on the fly and devise new solutions to overcome the obstacles they face.

❤ Player Agency and Meaningful Choices

Throughout the game, players are presented with a variety of decisions that can significantly impact the outcome of their expedition or the state of the overworld. From choosing which party members to risk in combat to deciding whether to confront or avoid certain enemies, the gameplay empowers players to shape the course of their adventure through their actions and choices.

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