
by Batterystaple Games

The Developer Says...

Jump, shoot, and slash your way through 30XX, the roguelike action platformer you can play with a friend! Explore lush, ever-changing worlds that mix precise platforming with fevered combat. Destroy fearsome Guardians. Master unique Powers. Rediscover the thousand years we've lost.

Players Like...

❤ Crisp, Responsive Controls

Players widely praise the controls as extremely crisp and responsive, with fluid movement and tight handling. Reviewers often compare the controls favorably to classic Mega Man X games, capturing that same sense of precise platforming and action.

❤ Varied Playstyles

The game offers two distinct playable characters, Ace and Nina, each with their own unique playstyles and abilities. Ace plays more like the Mega Man Zero series, focusing on melee combat and special techniques. Nina, on the other hand, plays more similarly to the X series, relying on a versatile buster shot and the ability to fuse together different boss powers. This allows players to choose a playstyle that suits their preferences, adding to the game's replayability.

❤ Rewarding Power Progression

A core part of the gameplay loop is collecting new powers and upgrades from defeated bosses. Players can acquire unique "Powers" for Nina that augment her buster shot in different ways, or "Techniques" for Ace that provide new melee abilities. Reviewers praise the variety and utility of these powers, with players able to experiment and find combinations that suit their preferred playstyle. Upgrading and enhancing these powers is a rewarding process that keeps the gameplay feeling fresh.

❤ Procedural Level Design

The game features procedurally generated levels, with various pre-designed chunks and elements that are assembled differently each run. This adds to the replayability, as the stages, enemy placements, and challenges faced will vary from one playthrough to the next. Many players appreciate this roguelike element, as it prevents the levels from feeling stale and encourages adaptive gameplay.

❤ Challenging, Fair Difficulty

While the game is challenging, with tough enemies and boss encounters, reviewers generally praise the difficulty as being fair and surmountable with skill and practice. Players highlight the need to learn enemy patterns and master the controls, but feel a sense of accomplishment when they overcome the game's obstacles. The difficulty is often compared favorably to classic Mega Man titles, capturing that same sense of challenge.

❤ Co-op Gameplay

One of the standout features is the co-op multiplayer mode, which allows players to team up and tackle the game's challenges together. Reviewers highlight the enjoyment of coordinating with a friend, syncing up their movement and attacks to take down enemies and bosses. The co-op experience is praised as being well-implemented and adding a new layer of strategy and chaos to the gameplay.

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