
by Hanging Gardens Interactive, Application Systems Heidelberg

The Developer Says...

Sonority is an innovative music puzzle adventure set in a lovingly designed, fascinating world. Play as Esther and discover the rockery, a place full of music and unique puzzle mechanics.

Players Like...

❤ Innovative Melody-Driven Puzzles

Players solve puzzles by arranging the correct sequence of musical notes to activate various mechanisms and progress through the game's world. This unique mechanic, which has been praised by reviewers, does not require prior musical knowledge. For example, one reviewer noted how they were "hopeless at mathematics" and "tone deaf," yet still managed to complete the game by using the process of elimination. As the game advances, the puzzles grow increasingly complex, challenging players to develop their understanding of musical intervals and patterns.

❤ Intuitive Controls and Clear Feedback

The game's control scheme, whether using a keyboard or controller, is described as intuitive and easy to pick up. Players input note sequences using their equipped instrument, such as the pan flute, and the user interface clearly displays the available notes, allowing players to easily experiment and find the correct solutions.

❤ Compelling Progression of Puzzles

Reviewers highlight the game's ability to introduce new puzzle mechanics and twists as players progress. Early puzzles start off simple, allowing players to get acquainted with the core gameplay, before gradually increasing in difficulty. For instance, one reviewer encountered a particularly challenging puzzle in the "rock temple" that required precise timing and platforming skills, nearly causing them to "rage-quit." This gradual progression keeps the gameplay fresh and engaging, as players must adapt their strategies to overcome more demanding obstacles.

❤ Rewarding Exploration and Discovery

The game's "lovingly designed" and "cohesive" environments encourage thorough exploration, with reviewers highlighting the joy of discovering hidden collectibles and secrets. One player noted that some of these optional objectives, such as music symbols, were "difficult to find" but provided a sense of accomplishment when uncovered.

❤ Accessibility for Non-Musicians

A key strength of the gameplay is its accessibility for players without a strong musical background. While the puzzles are centered around musical concepts, the game is designed to allow anyone to enjoy the experience. As one reviewer with "no musical knowledge" described, they were able to progress through the game by relying on logic and experimentation, rather than requiring advanced musical theory.

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