TOKOYO: The Tower of Perpetuity

by //commentout, PLAYISM

The Developer Says...

You find yourself trapped in a mysterious tower – one that transforms its very structure every 24 hours, where you must surpass countless poor fallen souls and make your way to the heretofore unseen top!

Players Like...

❤ Precise Platforming and Movement

Players must navigate a constantly changing tower, relying on tight controls and carefully timed jumps to traverse treacherous environments. The responsive platforming requires players to precisely time their directional changes and leaps to avoid numerous hazards and enemies. Reviewers praise the game's platforming as a real strength, with one player noting the controls are "tighter than Mega Man."

❤ Unique Single-Attack Mechanic

Rather than a standard attack, players can only use a powerful, long-lasting special attack that comes with a significant cooldown period. This design forces players to strategically deploy their special attack to take out groups of enemies, rather than relying on constant attacks. Mastering the timing and management of this single attack is crucial to success, with one reviewer describing it as feeling "more like a bomb in a shmup than anything I've seen in a platformer."

❤ Procedurally Generated Tower

The tower's layout regenerates completely every 24 hours, creating a new challenge for players each day. This procedural generation prevents players from simply memorizing the tower's structure, requiring them to constantly adapt their approach and develop well-rounded skills. As one reviewer noted, the randomized nature of the tower "keeps the gameplay fresh and encourages players to develop well-rounded skills rather than relying on a fixed strategy."

❤ Competitive Leaderboard

Players can compete against others worldwide for the best score on the daily tower challenge, with the leaderboard shared across Steam and Nintendo Switch platforms. This competitive element drives replayability as players strive to climb the rankings, with one reviewer praising the "competitive spirit" fostered by the shared leaderboard.

❤ Character Variety

The game offers multiple playable characters, each with their own unique special attack abilities. This variety allows players to experiment with different playstyles and strategies, adding depth to the gameplay and encouraging repeated attempts to master the various character kits.

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