
by Kodo Linija, Paradox Arc

The Developer Says...

Stardeus is a deep colony sim set on a broken starship manned by drones and hibernating human survivors. As the AI, have your drones repair your ship, save your crew and travel the stars in this beautiful simulation.

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❤ Ship Repair and Reconstruction

As the immortal AI, you must have your drones repair a broken starship manned by hibernating human survivors. You will salvage resources, rebuild critical systems, and redesign the ship's layout to suit your needs. Carefully managing limited space, you must balance different ship components to maintain life support systems and unlock new technologies.

❤ Resource Management

Gathering and processing a variety of materials, including ore, fuel, and food, is crucial to powering the ship's systems, sustaining the human crew, and progressing research. Failing to properly manage resources like oxygen, heat, and power can lead to catastrophic events, such as colonist deaths or breakdowns.

❤ Automation and Robotics

A unique aspect is the ability to directly control and program the ship's robotic drones. You can assign tasks, optimize their behavior, and research upgrades to enhance their capabilities, allowing for high customization and optimization of your colony management approach.

❤ Exploration and Encounters

As the ship travels the procedurally generated universe, you will encounter diverse events and encounters, from benevolent traders to hostile pirates and alien threats. These present both opportunities and challenges, requiring strategic decisions to balance the needs of the colony with the risks of exploration and engagement.

❤ Progression and Emergent Gameplay

The extensive tech tree unlocks new technologies, opening up innovative ship design, resource processing, and colony management possibilities. The complex interplay of systems leads to emergent gameplay scenarios, where you must adapt to unexpected challenges and find creative solutions to ensure the survival and prosperity of your colony.

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