by Square Enix

The Developer Says...

Join over 27 million adventurers worldwide and take part in an epic and ever-changing FINAL FANTASY. Experience an unforgettable story, exhilarating battles, and a myriad of captivating environments to explore.

Players Like...

❤ Versatile Character Progression

Players can freely switch between 19 unique "jobs" (character classes) on a single character, leveling each one independently. This allows you to experience the full range of playstyles - from magical damage dealers to sword-wielding tanks to restorative healers - all on a single character, without needing to create a new character for each role.

❤ Engaging Combat and Abilities

The combat system features action-oriented, skill-based gameplay. Each job has a deep and satisfying rotation of abilities to master, encouraging you to carefully time your skills and weave them together effectively. Abilities have a range of effects, from direct damage to debuffs to party buffs, allowing for strategic and synergistic gameplay. Boss encounters feature complex mechanics that require coordinated execution, providing a high skill ceiling that veteran players continue to refine and optimize.

❤ Diverse Group Content

The game offers a wealth of group-focused content, from 4-player dungeons to 8-player trials (boss fights) to 24-player raids. These activities challenge players to work together, combining their roles and abilities effectively. Dungeons feature cinematic presentation, intricate boss fights, and satisfying boss loot. Trials and raids amp up the difficulty, requiring coordinated execution of complex mechanics and tight DPS checks.

❤ Crafting and Gathering

Beyond combat, the game features a deep and rewarding crafting and gathering system. You can level up various "Disciple of the Hand" and "Disciple of the Land" classes, allowing you to gather raw materials and then synthesize them into valuable gear, consumables, and other items. The crafting system involves mini-games and optimization challenges, providing an engaging non-combat progression path. Crafted items are often BiS (Best in Slot) for certain gear slots, making crafters an important part of the overall economy.

❤ Story Integration

Unlike many MMOs where the main story is ancillary to the gameplay, the narrative is deeply integrated into the core experience. You progress through an expansive, cinematic main storyline that spans multiple expansions, featuring high production values, complex characters, and meaningful choices. Many players are drawn to the engaging, Final Fantasy-caliber storytelling woven throughout the content.

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