5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

by Conor Petersen, Thunkspace, LLC

The Developer Says...

It's the first ever chess variant with spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions. It's 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel! Move pieces back in time to create branching timelines. Send a rook to a parallel dimension. Protect your kings in the present and in the past!

Players Like...

❤ Expanding Chess into Spatial, Temporal, and Parallel Dimensions

The core premise of this game is that players can move their chess pieces not only across the standard 2D chessboard, but also backward and forward in time, as well as across parallel universes or "timelines." This creates a gameplay experience that is vastly more complex and strategic than traditional chess.

❤ Mastering Unique Piece Movement Patterns

At the heart of this game is the need to understand and utilize the multidimensional movement capabilities of each chess piece. For example, pawns can not only move forward one square as in regular chess, but can also capture pieces by moving diagonally or by traveling one square up/down and one square left/right to a different timeline. Knights have an even more impressive range of movement, able to jump two squares in one direction and one in another, while also being able to travel to different timelines. Mastering these unique movement patterns is critical to success.

❤ Navigating a Web of Branching Timelines

As players make moves, they have the ability to create new, branching timelines. These parallel universes function as separate chessboards that players must monitor and manage. Each timeline has its own position of the pieces, so players must consider the ramifications of their moves not just on the current board, but also on how they might impact the state of the game in other timelines. Deciding when to create new timelines, and how to leverage the pieces positioned in those timelines, is a key strategic consideration.

❤ Delivering Checkmate Across Space and Time

One of the most innovative and mind-bending aspects of this game is the ability to checkmate an opponent's king not just in the present, but also in the past or future, or even across parallel timelines. Players can send pieces back in time to threaten a king's position from the past, or forward in time to deliver checkmate before it even happens. This creates a complex web of interlocking threats and countermoves that players must navigate.

❤ Embracing the Chaos

Many players have noted that the game can quickly descend into a state of mind-bending chaos, with multiple timelines, disappearing and reappearing pieces, and a constant struggle to comprehend the current state of the game. Rather than viewing this as a flaw, however, many reviewers have celebrated this aspect of the gameplay, praising the game for its ability to push the boundaries of traditional chess and create a truly unique experience.

❤ Accessible Yet Challenging Gameplay

While the core concepts of this game may seem daunting at first, the game does a commendable job of providing an intuitive interface and a series of tutorials and puzzles to help players gradually learn the mechanics. Even as the gameplay becomes increasingly complex, many reviewers have noted that the game remains accessible and approachable, with a high skill ceiling that encourages continued exploration and mastery.

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