Nine Sols

by RedCandleGames

The Developer Says...

Nine Sols is a lore rich, hand-drawn 2D action-platformer featuring Sekiro-inspired deflection focused combat. Embark on a journey of eastern fantasy, explore the land once home to an ancient alien race, and follow a vengeful hero’s quest to slay the 9 Sols, formidable rulers of this forsaken realm.

Players Like...

❤ Precision-Focused Combat

The combat system in this game heavily emphasizes precise timing and execution of parries and blocks. Players must carefully watch enemy attack patterns and hit the parry button at the exact right moment to successfully deflect incoming strikes. Properly timed parries will stagger enemies and leave them vulnerable to devastating counterattacks. Beyond just parrying, the protagonist has access to a varied moveset including quick jabs, charged heavy attacks, and Taoist talismans that can be used to explosively take down groups of foes. Mastering this diverse toolkit and stringing together fluid combat sequences is key to overcoming the game's many challenging encounters.

❤ Expansive Upgrade Paths

As players progress, they unlock a wealth of new abilities that dramatically expand their options in combat. These include an agile air dash, a precision bow attack that slows down time, and even transformations that alter the protagonist's fighting style. Customizing your loadout with a variety of charm-like upgrades allows you to fine-tune your approach to suit your playstyle preferences. Reviewers have praised the depth and flexibility of the combat system, noting that it encourages experimentation with different ability combinations to discover synergies and overcome obstacles in creative ways.

❤ Thrilling Boss Battles

The game's boss battles are frequently cited as the highlights of the experience. These larger-than-life encounters demand that players execute perfect parries, dodges, and counterattacks to emerge victorious. Mastering each boss's attack patterns and finding openings to punish is intensely satisfying, with a tangible sense of accomplishment upon finally defeating a formidable foe. The boss designs are visually stunning, with each one featuring a unique appearance and moveset that players must learn to overcome. Defeating a boss is not only a test of skill, but also unlocks new areas to explore, further incentivizing players to push through the challenges.

❤ Metroidvania Progression and Exploration

Beyond the combat, the game features an interconnected Metroidvania-style world rife with secrets to uncover. As you acquire new movement abilities like the air dash and wall jump, you can backtrack to previously inaccessible regions, discovering new upgrades and expanding the scope of your adventure. The game's "Taopunk" aesthetic, blending cyberpunk and Eastern mythology, is widely praised, with reviewers highlighting the sense of discovery and wonder in exploring the richly detailed environments. While the initial progression may feel linear, the game eventually opens up, allowing players to tackle different areas in the order of their choosing.

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