It Steals

by Zeekerss

The Developer Says...

AROUND EVERY CORNER. Face against stealthy antagonists that will take advantage of your expectations.

Players Like...

❤ Unique Stealth-Based Gameplay

The game revolves around stealthy and unpredictable antagonists that players must face. Rather than being the stalker, the player takes on the role of the hunted, forced to use their senses, reflexes, and a limited flashlight to survive. The core gameplay loop involves navigating maze-like environments, collecting blue orbs, and evading or confronting the ever-present threats. The game's focus on stealth and reaction-based mechanics sets it apart from traditional horror games.

❤ Diverse Game Modes

The game offers five distinct game modes, each with its own unique mechanics and challenges. In "Classic Mode," players must collect orbs while managing their flashlight to avoid a stalking antagonist. "Shutter Mode" tasks players with using sound cues and their camera flash to detect and evade a lurking threat in a pitch-black environment. "Hide and Seek Mode" flips the script, making the player the seeker in a maze-like arena, collecting orbs while avoiding detection by a hidden antagonist. "Flesh Halls Mode" presents a more intense and claustrophobic experience, where players navigate a tightly-woven labyrinth filled with multiple threats. The final and most challenging mode, "Ruin Mode," pits the player against a relentless and unpredictable antagonist in a constantly shifting environment. As players progress through these modes, they must learn and adapt to the unique mechanics and behaviors of each threat, creating a sense of escalating tension and a constant need to be on high alert.

❤ Praise for the Tension and Atmosphere

Players have widely praised the game's ability to evoke a genuine sense of dread and tension, without relying on cheap jump scares. The game's atmosphere, sound design, and the unpredictable nature of the antagonists work together to keep players on the edge of their seat, constantly second-guessing their actions and decisions. Many have likened the experience to a "Scooby-Doo chase scene" or feeling like they're "walking in London late at night, always looking over your shoulder, terrified at the possibility that a slender figure will appear out of the shadows and stab you to death." The core mechanic of using light and sound to detect and avoid the threats has been celebrated for its simplicity and effectiveness, creating intense moments of panic and adrenaline when players narrowly escape the clutches of the relentless antagonists.

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