
by Laki Studios, Goblinz Publishing, Surefire.Games

The Developer Says...

Oaken, a turn-based tactical roguelike set in the spirit inhabited world. Explore the Great Oak, gather allies and trinkets, learn to use the positioning for your advantage, choose how to upgrade your cards. Wake the spirits and save the Oak!

Players Like...

❤ Tactical Hex-Based Combat

The tactical combat system centers around a hex-based grid, requiring players to carefully consider the positioning and facing of their units. Each unit has a front and rear arc, with attacks from the front being countered while attacks from behind are undefended. This creates a strong emphasis on strategic unit placement and maneuvering to gain advantageous positions. The tight, confined hex grid maps add an additional level of challenge, forcing players to efficiently use the limited space.

❤ Deckbuilding and Card Management

At the start of each run, players build a small deck of cards representing their available units and spells. As the run progresses, they can acquire new cards to expand and customize their deck. However, the maximum hand size is limited to 4 cards, and cards automatically exhaust after use, requiring players to carefully manage their resources and decide which cards to prioritize.

❤ Synergistic Abilities and Upgrades

The game allows players to upgrade each unit and spell, providing opportunities to create powerful synergies. Upgrading a unit's abilities or equipping them with a "wisp" (a type of enchantment) can significantly change how that unit functions, opening up new strategic possibilities. Similarly, spells can be upgraded along different paths, allowing players to shape their playstyle and adapt to the challenges they face.

❤ Replayability and Progression

Each run is procedurally generated, with randomized map layouts, events, and enemy encounters, ensuring a high degree of replayability. Players can also unlock different "Guides" (companion units) and a second playable character, each of which dramatically alters the playstyle and strategic considerations. Additionally, players can earn permanent upgrades and unlock new cards and abilities, further diversifying the options available in subsequent runs.

❤ Challenging but Rewarding

While the early game can be forgiving, the difficulty ramps up significantly, particularly against the later bosses. However, this challenge is seen as a positive, as it encourages players to deeply engage with the game's mechanics and discover new strategies to overcome the obstacles. The sense of accomplishment when successfully completing a run is a key part of the game's appeal.

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