LurkBait Twitch Fishing

by BLAMCAM Interactive

The Developer Says...

A Twitch powered interactive cozy fishing idle game. Add as an overlay for your stream and let your viewers fish with commands, points, bits or subs. Reel in the lurkers and boost viewer engagement passively with a fun interactive game that runs itself while you focus on your content.

Players Like...

❤ Interactive Fishing Minigame

Streamers can add this game as an overlay on their Twitch channels, enabling viewers to participate by using chat commands, channel points, bits, or subscriptions to cast virtual fishing lines and catch various types of fish, critters, and other objects in the game's body of water. Reviewers consistently report that this feature has significantly boosted viewer engagement on their streams, providing a fun, passive activity for viewers during slower moments.

❤ Customizable Catches Delight Communities

A standout feature praised by players is the ability to create custom catches. Streamers can upload their own images, set the value and rarity of the catches, and integrate them into the game. This allows them to tailor the fishing experience to their community, often resulting in humorous or thematic custom catches that viewers eagerly try to reel in. Many reviewers mention that their communities have become "addicted" to the fishing minigame, spending channel points and bits to catch rare and valuable items.

❤ Seamless Integration and Ongoing Development

According to players, the game is very easy to set up and integrate into a Twitch stream, supporting seamless Twitch authentication and offering various customization options, such as adjusting command prefixes, setting cast delays, and controlling the game's visibility. Reviewers express excitement about the potential for future updates and new features, as the developer is reported to be actively engaged with the community, fixing bugs and adding new functionality based on player feedback.

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