Chef Life: A Restaurant Simulator

by Cyanide Studio, Nacon

The Developer Says...

Create and manage your dream restaurant! Menus, purchasing, décor, staff, equipment, customers… and don't forget the actual cooking! Experience the daily life of a restaurateur and earn your awards from the Michelin Guide.

Players Like...

❤ Cooking Gameplay

Players must follow step-by-step recipes, utilizing the different cooking appliances and utensils in their kitchen to prepare ingredients and assemble the final plated dish. This cooking process is highly detailed, requiring players to perform specific actions like stirring, seasoning, and timing the cooking of each component. Players can choose to actively participate in the entire cooking process themselves, or delegate tasks to their hired chefs who will handle certain parts of the cooking. The more involved the player is in the actual cooking, the higher the quality and grading of the final dish.

❤ Menu and Recipe Management

The game features a large catalog of different dish recipes spanning various cuisines, which players can research and unlock over time. Players can then customize and refine these recipes, improving their quality and presentation. Managing the menu is an important part of the gameplay, as players must ensure they have the right mix of dishes that cater to their customers' preferences and demands.

❤ Restaurant Management

Players must balance cooking gameplay with broader management of their restaurant. This includes purchasing and managing the inventory of ingredients, upgrading and expanding the kitchen equipment, hiring and training staff, and designing the look and layout of the dining area.

❤ Difficulty and Accessibility Options

The game provides a range of difficulty and accessibility options. Players can choose to play in a more relaxed, low-stakes mode where customer patience and other stressors are turned off. Alternatively, they can increase the challenge by enabling strict time limits, food waste penalties, and other demanding gameplay elements. This flexibility allows the game to be enjoyed by players of varying skill levels and cooking expertise.

❤ Progression and Replayability

As players progress, they can unlock new recipes, upgrade their cooking skills, and expand the capabilities of their restaurant. This progression system provides a satisfying sense of growth and mastery over the course of the gameplay. Additionally, the game's replay value is enhanced by the ability to approach each playthrough differently, whether that's focusing on a specific cuisine, optimizing for efficiency, or pursuing a Michelin-starred rating.

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