Sea of Stars

by Sabotage Studio

The Developer Says...

Sea of Stars is a turn-based RPG inspired by the classics. It tells the story of two Children of the Solstice who will combine the powers of the sun and moon to perform Eclipse Magic, the only force capable of fending off the monstrous creations of the evil alchemist known as The Fleshmancer.

Players Like...

❤ The Turn-Based Combat Shines with Timed Hits and Combos

Players praised the turn-based combat system as one of the game's strongest features. The combat revolves around a "timed hits" mechanic, where players must time their button presses to increase damage output and reduce incoming damage. This adds an extra layer of engagement and skill expression to the traditionally static turn-based battles. The combat system also allows players to chain together abilities into multi-character combo attacks, unleashing powerful combo moves. Additionally, the "locks" system encourages players to strategically target enemy weaknesses and hinder their powerful attacks or spells, requiring them to consider enemy types and damage types when assembling their party.

❤ Seamless Platforming and Exploration Enhance the Experience

The game features seamless exploration without random encounters or transitions to separate battle screens. Players can freely navigate the breathtaking 2D pixel art world, swimming, climbing, vaulting, and jumping between platforms. The custom rendering pipeline provides a dynamic traversal experience, drawing from the developer's expertise in the platformer genre.

❤ Diverse Activities Complement the Core Gameplay

In addition to the turn-based combat and exploration, the game offers a variety of side activities for players to enjoy, such as sailing, cooking, fishing, and even a tabletop game called "Wheels" that can be played at inns. These systems have been designed to pay respect to retro classics while modernizing the experience, allowing players to easily compare and sell items, and take advantage of a KO recovery system.

❤ Meaningful Customization and Progression

While the game doesn't feature an extensive skill tree, players can still make meaningful choices during level-ups. Each character has a limited number of active abilities, allowing players to select which skills to prioritize and develop. The combat-focused progression, combined with the timed hits and combo mechanics, provide a satisfying sense of mastery as players become more proficient with the game's systems.

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