
by Main Tank Software, Yogscast Games

The Developer Says...

A fast-paced strategy game, which takes the weighty decisions of a 4X and stuffs them into an action-packed 60 minutes. Build a deck capable of founding civilizations which can develop economies, research new technologies and conquer all before you. Single-player and online multiplayer.

Players Like...

❤ Deckbuilding Mechanics

The deckbuilding system sits at the heart of the gameplay, as players must carefully balance their deck composition to support their strategic objectives. Players build a customizable deck of cards, each representing an action they can take on the hex-based game board, such as founding new cities, researching technologies, or conquering enemy civilizations.

❤ Strategic Depth

Despite its relatively short 60-minute playtime, the game offers surprising strategic depth. Players must consider not only the immediate effects of their actions but also the long-term consequences, balancing the development of their economy, military, and technological progress. The procedurally-generated map ensures that each game presents a unique set of challenges, requiring players to adapt their strategies accordingly.

❤ Simultaneous Turns

One of the game's most distinctive features is its simultaneous turn-based system. Rather than taking turns linearly, all players input their moves at the same time, with the game engine then resolving all actions simultaneously. This creates a dynamic and engaging multiplayer experience, as players must anticipate their opponents' moves and react accordingly.

❤ Variety and Replayability

The game offers a variety of singleplayer and multiplayer modes, including daily and weekly challenges, as well as a "Hegemon" mode where players compete to become the dominant civilization over the course of a week-long campaign. The different civilizations, each with their own unique abilities and starting conditions, further enhance the game's replayability, encouraging players to explore different strategies and playstyles.

❤ Accessibility and Pacing

The focus on accessibility and pacing has been widely praised by players. The straightforward mechanics and short session length make the game approachable for newcomers to the genre, while still offering depth and nuance for more experienced players. The rapid pace of the game also helps to maintain a sense of tension and urgency, ensuring that each decision feels impactful.

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