Ad Infinitum

by Hekate, Nacon

The Developer Says...

When reality is a nightmare, nightmares become real. In this psychological horror game, you fight the terrifying creatures invading your mind. Can you save your sanity?

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

The game primarily features first-person exploration, puzzle-solving, and narrative immersion, with players navigating between the protagonist's fragmented memories of his family home and the nightmarish visions of the World War I trenches.

❤ Puzzle-Solving and Exploration

Players must solve a variety of environmental puzzles to progress, often involving finding and combining items, deciphering codes, and interacting with objects in specific ways. The game encourages thorough exploration, as many necessary items and clues are hidden throughout the levels.

❤ Navigating the Nightmares

While the game does not feature traditional combat, players will encounter various supernatural threats, such as blind, sound-sensitive creatures and other disturbing manifestations of the protagonist's psychological trauma. Players must use stealth, hiding, and strategic use of tools like a flashlight or gas mask to safely traverse these nightmarish areas.

❤ Nonlinear Progression

The narrative and level structure are designed to be nonlinear, allowing players to explore the environments in a relatively open-ended manner. This approach enables a more immersive and organic storytelling experience, as players uncover the protagonist's past and the interconnected histories of his family through environmental details and optional collectibles.

❤ Atmosphere and Immersion

The game's exceptional atmospheric design, including its visual aesthetics, sound design, and environmental details, work together to convey a strong sense of the protagonist's fractured psyche and the horrors of war, creating a deeply unsettling and immersive experience.

❤ Player Agency and Endings

The game features multiple endings determined by the player's choices and actions throughout the narrative, adding a layer of player agency that allows for a more personalized and meaningful experience, as players' decisions impact the protagonist's ultimate fate and resolution of his traumatic past.

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