Bang-On Balls: Chronicles

by Exit Plan Games, Untold Tales, CouchPlay Interactive

The Developer Says...

A quirky, absolutely content-packed, destructible open-world sandbox adventure with combat, platforming, character customization, and collect-a-thon scavenger hunt experience. Play solo, 2-player split screen, or online co-op for up to 4 players. No paid cosmetic DLC nonsense.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

Players take on the role of a "reckless bouncy hero" named BOB and embark on a quest through various historically-themed open worlds. The core gameplay loop involves exploring these worlds, fighting adversaries, tackling challenges, and uncovering hidden secrets. The game is described as a "quirky, absolutely content-packed, destructible open-world sandbox adventure with combat, platforming, character customization, and collect-a-thon scavenger hunt experience."

❤ Platforming and Movement

Players can jump, dash, and stomp their way through the "highly destructible" environments. Reviewers praise the game's "glorious bouncy 3D platforming," comparing it to classics like "Super Mario 64" and "Banjo-Kazooie."

❤ Combat and Adversaries

Players utilize an "arsenal of weapons, shields, and themed items" to defeat various adversaries and challenging boss fights. Reviews highlight the game's satisfying combat and boss battles.

❤ Exploration and Collectibles

Exploring the open-world environments is a key part of the experience. Players can uncover multiple hidden secrets and collect a "massive amount of flags, items, weapons and themed decorations." Reviewers describe the game as a "collect-a-thon scavenger hunt."

❤ Customization

Players can customize their character's appearance with the items and weapons they collect, including flags, decorations, and other themed elements.

❤ Multiplayer

The game supports local co-op (2-player split-screen) and online co-op for up to 4 players. Reviewers praise the game's seamless multiplayer functionality, allowing players to jump in and out of sessions with friends while carrying over their progress.

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