
by TRAGsoft,

The Developer Says...

Coromon is a modern take on the classic monster-taming genre. Tame Coromon and explore a vast world filled with thrilling turn-based battles, brain-twisting puzzles, and a mysterious threat to the world awaiting defeat. Nobody said being a Battle Researcher was easy!

Players Like...

❤ Coromon's Unique Combat System

The game replaces the traditional "Power Points" system with a Stamina Point (SP) system. Each move costs a certain amount of SP, and creatures can only act if they have enough SP remaining. This creates more strategic depth, as players must carefully manage their SP usage and consider when to use powerful but costly attacks versus more conservative, SP-preserving moves.

❤ The Potential System - A Unique Take on IVs and Shinies

Instead of the traditional IV (Individual Value) and shiny systems, the game features a "Potential" system. Each creature has a Potential rating between 1-21, which determines its base stats and appearance. Standard creatures have a Potential of 1-16, Potent creatures have 17-20, and Perfect creatures have the maximum 21 Potential. This creates a tangible reward for finding higher Potential creatures, as they are not only visually distinct, but also stronger than their lower Potential counterparts.

❤ Player-Driven Stat Allocation

Rather than the hidden and opaque Effort Value (EV) system, the game gives players direct control over how to allocate their creatures' stat increases. As creatures level up, players earn "Stat Points" that can be freely assigned to boost individual stats. This allows for a high degree of customization and optimization, as players can tailor their creatures' stats to fit their preferred playstyle and team composition.

❤ Diverse Movesets and Flexibility

Unlike many similar games, where each species is limited to a fixed set of moves, the creatures in this game can learn a wide variety of moves across different elemental types. This, combined with the ability to freely swap out moves at any time outside of battle, gives players immense flexibility in how they build and utilize their teams. Experimenting with unique move combinations and adapting to different situations is a core part of the strategic gameplay.

❤ Challenging Titan Battles

Interspersed throughout the narrative are epic "Titan" battles, which function as dramatic boss encounters. These Titans possess powerful, unique abilities and massive HP pools, requiring players to develop well-synergized teams and employ careful tactics to overcome them. These Titan battles are widely praised by players as a highlight of the combat system.

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