Finnish Army Simulator

by Please Be Patient

The Developer Says...

Military service, just like you remember it! Or if you don’t, you’ll feel like you do.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The game features a variety of minigames that closely simulate specific military training exercises, such as orienteering, combat training, and military drill. These minigames provide an engaging and immersive way for players to experience the various aspects of military service.
The game incorporates familiar gameplay mechanics akin to 'track and field' and 'Tony Hawk' games, which many players will instantly recognize and find intuitive to navigate.
The inclusion of RPG elements, including dialogues, inventory management, and skill trees, adds depth and complexity to the gameplay, allowing players to customize their experiences and progression.

❤ Authentic Military Experience

The game's attention to detail in recreating the daily routines and challenges of Finnish military service, such as tent stove duty, group punishment, and the use of 'intti' slang, provides a highly immersive and relatable experience for those who have served.
The modeled barracks environment, complete with recognizable features like bunks, stools, and steel cupboards, further enhances the authenticity of the military setting.
The inclusion of the soldier home ('sotilaskoti') offers players a chance to engage in more relaxed activities, like video games and gambling, providing a much-needed respite from the rigors of military life.

❤ Narrative and Exploration

The game's 'meta plot' allows players to uncover army secrets that are typically hidden from the public, adding an element of discovery and intrigue to the gameplay.
The freedom to roam the barracks area during the day, combined with the enforced restrictions at night, creates opportunities for players to explore the environment and potentially break the rules, adding a layer of depth to the gameplay.
The diverse array of military equipment, weapons, and other items that can be obtained through the equipment warehouse, as well as the possibility of acquiring special or contraband items, encourages players to engage in inventory management and strategic planning.

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