Herald: An Interactive Period Drama - Book I & II

by Wispfire

The Developer Says...

Herald is a choice-driven adventure set on colonial tides. Board the HLV Herald and uncover its dark secrets in an intriguing tale about tyranny and servitude.

Players Like...

❤ Narrative and Storytelling

The branching narrative that changes dramatically based on the player's choices, allowing them to shape the protagonist Devan's personality and morality in meaningful ways. For example, players can choose to stand up for the downtrodden or prioritize pleasing the elite, with significant consequences.
The compelling exploration of complex social issues like racism, classism, and colonialism within the context of the game's alternate 19th-century setting. The narrative avoids simplistic moralizing, instead presenting these themes in a nuanced manner that challenges the player's perspectives.
The well-paced storytelling that maintains a forward momentum, with no filler or unnecessary diversions, leading to an impactful climax in Book II that forces players to confront the ramifications of their previous choices.

❤ Gameplay

The choice-driven, dialogue-focused gameplay that allows players to truly roleplay as Devan, making decisions that shape his personality and relationships with the diverse cast of characters.
The satisfying level of player agency, where choices have far-reaching effects that are felt throughout the story, encouraging players to carefully consider their actions.
The convenient save system that enables players to explore different narrative paths without the frustration of having to replay large sections of the game.

❤ Presentation

The high-quality voice acting that brings the characters to life, with each performer capturing the nuances of their role and enhancing the overall immersive experience.
The well-integrated soundtrack that heightens the dramatic tension and emotional impact of key moments in the story, further drawing the player into the world of Herald.

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