Stirring Abyss

by Sleepy Sentry, K-Project, Slitherine Ltd.

The Developer Says...

Stirring Abyss is an indie tactical squad-based game with strong RPG elements in which you uncover the ancient mysteries of the depths depicted in the classic vein of Lovecraftian horror.

Players Like...

❤ Tense Tactical Combat

The game's tactical turn-based combat system draws heavily from XCOM: Terror from the Deep. Players control a squad of up to four submarine crew members, each with unique skills and abilities. Encounters are challenging and unforgiving, as players must carefully maneuver their squad, manage oxygen and sanity levels, and utilize their limited equipment and special abilities to overcome the deadly aquatic horrors. Effective use of the diving suit's searchlight and flares is crucial for spotting hidden enemies in the claustrophobic underwater environments. The combat system emphasizes tactical positioning, with factors like line of sight, terrain, and enemy abilities playing a critical role in each engagement. Players must be highly strategic, as the enemies often outnumber and outpower the player's squad.

❤ Customizable Crew and Upgradable Submarine

As players progress through missions and explore the abyss, their crew members gain experience and can be customized through a skill tree system. This allows players to shape their squad's capabilities, unlocking new abilities, improving stats, and even subjecting them to powerful but risky mutations. Maintaining the crew's mental and physical well-being is essential. Factors like oxygen levels, sanity, and injuries can impact a crew member's performance in combat. Players must carefully balance the need to push deeper into the abyss with the need to keep their crew safe and healthy. The player's submarine, the USS Salem, can also be upgraded and repaired using scavenged resources. These upgrades provide valuable enhancements, such as improved oxygen supplies, better searchlights, and additional combat support abilities.

❤ Immersive Lovecraftian Atmosphere

One of the game's standout features is its strong Lovecraftian narrative and atmosphere. The hand-drawn art style, haunting sound design, and evocative storytelling create a tangible sense of dread and unease as players uncover disturbing revelations about the fate of the USS Salem's crew and the true nature of the eldritch entities they face. The claustrophobic, high-stakes backdrop of a damaged submarine stranded on the seabed perfectly complements the Lovecraftian themes, immersing players in a dark and foreboding underwater setting filled with ancient horrors and unspeakable mysteries.

❤ Replayable Endless Mode

The game offers a solid amount of replayability, with its procedurally generated missions and the option to tackle the Endless Mode. The Endless Mode challenges players' strategic prowess and the limits of their crew's resilience by pitting them against an unending onslaught of increasingly powerful enemies. The combination of tactical depth, crew customization, and the unpredictable nature of the Endless Mode ensures that each playthrough offers a unique challenge, encouraging players to experiment with different approaches and squad compositions.

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