ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game

by AtomTeam

The Developer Says...

ATOM RPG is a post-apocalyptic indie game, inspired by classic CRPGs: Fallout, Wasteland, Deus Ex, Baldur's Gate and many others.

Players Like...

❤ Evoking the Spirit of Fallout

The game draws heavy inspiration from classic Fallout titles, particularly Fallout 1 and 2, embracing the familiar isometric perspective, turn-based combat, and character-driven RPG mechanics that fans of the series have come to know and love. However, the developers put their own unique spin on the formula, transporting players to a Soviet-inspired wasteland with its own rich lore and engaging narrative.

❤ Expansive Open World Exploration

Players are free to freely explore the game's expansive open world, which is dotted with numerous settlements, abandoned facilities, and other points of interest, each with their own stories to uncover. The developers have crafted a world that rewards exploration, allowing players to approach the main questline at their own pace while delving into the game's many side quests and optional content.

❤ Nuanced Dialogue and Player Choice

The game's dialogue system is a standout feature, presenting players with a wide array of dialogue options that can significantly impact the outcome of conversations and quests. Dialogue choices are often tied to the player's character build and skill progression, allowing for a high degree of role-playing and customization. The game's writing is praised for its dark humor and ability to create a sense of immersion in the Soviet-inspired setting.

❤ Tactical Turn-Based Combat

Combat in the game is turn-based and grid-based, drawing inspiration from the combat systems of classic Fallout titles. Players must carefully manage their action points, choosing between various attack options and special abilities to overcome their foes. The combat system rewards strategic planning and character building, as the types of weapons, skills, and perks the player has access to can significantly impact the flow of battle.

❤ Challenging Survival Mechanics

In addition to combat, the game incorporates various survival mechanics that add an extra layer of challenge and immersion. Players must manage their character's hunger, thirst, and radiation levels, carefully rationing consumables and seeking out sources of food and clean water. This survival aspect encourages players to plan their exploration and decision-making carefully, as poor resource management can quickly lead to dire consequences.

❤ Deep Character Customization

Character creation and progression in the game are deep and rewarding. Players can choose from a variety of attributes and skills to tailor their character to their preferred playstyle, whether that be a combat-focused specialist, a charismatic negotiator, or a jacks-of-all-trades. The game's skill system offers a wide range of options, allowing players to develop their characters in unique ways and experiment with different approaches to problem-solving.

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