
by Urnique Studio

The Developer Says...

Timelie is a stealth puzzle adventure, where you control time like a media player. Perceive future events to plan your escape strategy from the past, sneak an enemy, and manipulate time through this companionship journey of a mysterious cat and a little girl with a precognitive power.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The game allows players to rewind and fast-forward time like a media player. This unique time manipulation mechanic sets it apart from other puzzle games, enabling players to observe future events and plan their actions accordingly. The trial-and-error gameplay encourages experimentation, as players can try different approaches until they find the optimal solution to each puzzle. Players guide a young girl and her feline companion through levels filled with robotic enemies. The girl can interact with keypads to open and close doors, while the cat can sneak through small spaces and distract enemies by meowing. Coordinating the movements and actions of these two characters in real-time is the core of the gameplay loop.

❤ Puzzle Design

The puzzles present a satisfying challenge, requiring players to carefully plan their route, anticipate the movements of the patrolling robots, and time their actions precisely to avoid detection. The ability to rewind time allows for experimentation, and many levels offer multiple solutions that can be uncovered through creative thinking. The game gradually introduces new mechanics and challenges, such as timed objectives or collectible items that encourage speedrunning. While some later levels can be quite challenging, the ability to rewind time prevents the puzzles from feeling overly frustrating.

❤ Cooperative Gameplay

The gameplay revolves around the complementary abilities of the girl and the cat, creating a unique form of cooperative gameplay within a solo adventure. Players must coordinate the movements and actions of both characters simultaneously, adding an extra layer of complexity to the puzzles. Reviewers praised this aspect, noting that it feels like controlling two characters at once and creates a rewarding sense of accomplishment when a solution is found.

❤ Replayability and Challenges

The game offers additional depth and replayability through optional objectives and challenges. Completing these challenges, such as speedrunning or avoiding the use of certain abilities, unlocks additional content and endings, providing incentive for players to revisit levels and experiment with different strategies. The game also includes a free DLC called "Hell Loop" that introduces a significantly more challenging set of levels, catering to players who are seeking a greater test of their puzzle-solving skills.

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