Into the Necrovale

by Casey Clyde, Tribal-Storm

The Developer Says...

Into the Necrovale is an Action RPG in which you collect powerful items that interact with one another. You must be clever with your build if you hope to pierce the mysteries and dangers of the Necrovale, where a thousand generations of miscreants and criminals have been banished.

Players Like...

❤ Compelling Itemization and Build Diversity

Players consistently praise the game's vast variety of items, weapons, armor, and other gear, as well as the ability to combine these in unique and powerful ways. Reviewers highlight how this encourages experimentation and the creation of diverse, customized builds. For example, one player discovered a staff that conjures up a tornado, which they then merged with a bow that fires a spreadshot of arrows, resulting in a single staff that conjures 12 homing tornadoes. The game avoids the common ARPG pitfall of certain items or builds becoming mandatory, as even lower-rarity items can serve niche roles effectively.

❤ Satisfying Gameplay Loop

Reviewers describe a highly satisfying core gameplay loop, involving exploring procedurally-generated dungeons, fighting enemies, and collecting loot. The combat is praised as smooth, responsive, and impactful, with a good balance of simplicity and depth. For instance, players can use the trigger button to attack on a controller, while aiming with the right stick, giving ranged builds a satisfying "twin shooter" feel. The game's roguelike elements, such as permadeath and meta-progression, seem to strike a good balance, providing challenge and meaningful progression without becoming overly punishing.

❤ Emergent Synergies and Combos

A standout aspect of the gameplay is the ability to combine items in unexpected ways, leading to powerful and sometimes "broken" synergies. Reviewers delight in discovering these synergies, such as combining a gravity-based staff that pulls enemies in with a pair of gloves that creates explosions on hit, resulting in groups of enemies being repeatedly pelted with damage. This encourages a sense of experimentation and discovery that many find highly compelling.

❤ Balanced Difficulty and Progression

While the game is currently in Early Access, reviewers generally feel the difficulty curve and progression system are well-designed. The early game provides a good introduction to the core mechanics, with a ramp-up in challenge that ultimately allows for the creation of highly powerful builds. However, some reviewers note that certain areas or enemy types can feel unfairly difficult or unbalanced, suggesting there is still work to be done in this area.

❤ Responsive and Engaged Developer

A common praise for the game is the developer's active engagement with the community and responsiveness to feedback. Reviewers appreciate that issues and imbalances are quickly addressed, and that the developer seems genuinely invested in improving and expanding the game over time. For example, one reviewer noted that shortly after leaving a review, a new update addressed several of their concerns.

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