Black Skylands

by Hungry Couch Games, tinyBuild

The Developer Says...

Become the captain of an airship and explore the world of the skies, gather resources and build powerful weapons, uncover ancient secrets and fight beneath your ship's sails.

Players Like...

❤ Airship Combat

Players pilot and customize their airships, engaging in aerial combat. They can use the ship's rapid-fire cannon and special abilities, such as a powerful salvage cannon. Players can upgrade the airship's maneuverability and speed, allowing them to nimbly dodge enemy fire and unleash devastating barrages. Reviewers praise the "satisfying pirate-navy" feel of the airship combat.

❤ Ground Combat

In addition to aerial battles, players fight against enemy ground forces on the floating islands. Using a variety of ranged weapons and a grappling hook, players can quickly reposition or pull in distant objects, resulting in "top-down twitch shooter" style, fast-paced, mobile firefights.

❤ Weapon Customization

The game features a robust weapon customization system. Players can find various attachments, such as grips, sights, magazines, and barrels, that can be applied to their guns to modify their stats and playstyle. Reviewers appreciate the depth this adds to the combat, providing more options beyond simply acquiring stronger weapons.

❤ Progression and Upgrades

As players progress, they can upgrade both their airship and their character's abilities. The airship can be outfitted with more powerful weapons, engines, and armor, while the protagonist can unlock new skills and passive bonuses. Reviewers frequently cite the satisfying sense of incremental power growth as a key part of the gameplay loop.

❤ Exploration and Traversal

The open world of floating islands encourages exploration, with players using their airship and grappling hook to navigate the environment. Reviewers highlight the mobility provided by the grappling hook, allowing for dynamic traversal and creative problem-solving when traversing the islands.

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