Ozymandias: Bronze Age Empire Sim

by The Secret Games Company, Goblinz Publishing, IndieArk

The Developer Says...

Build an empire in a single sitting. All the strategy of a classic 4X in a faster format, which also shines in multiplayer.

Players Like...

❤ Streamlining the 4X Genre

Players praise how the game strips away much of the micromanagement and busywork typical of 4X games, while preserving the strategic depth and addictive "one more turn" feel. The core gameplay loop can be completed in a single 30-90 minute sitting, making it highly accessible for players who lack the time for longer, more complex experiences.

❤ Elegant Resource Management

The game's four key resources - Science, Money, Food, and Power - intertwine in elegant ways, forcing players to make meaningful strategic choices. For example, hoarding Money can enable targeted purchases, but this comes at the cost of potential Science or Food gains. Mastering this balance is crucial to success.

❤ Asymmetric Civilizations

Each of the 52 playable civilizations has unique strengths, weaknesses, and starting positions. Weaker "harder" factions with inherent disadvantages present a satisfying challenge, while easier civilizations allow new players to learn the mechanics. This asymmetry encourages varied strategies and replayability.

❤ Simultaneous Multiplayer

The game's simultaneous turn-based multiplayer is a standout feature. Rather than taking turns, all players make their moves concurrently, eliminating the downtime that can plague other 4X multiplayer experiences. This results in a highly engaging, fast-paced multiplayer experience.

❤ Depth in Simplicity

While the game's mechanics and UI are described as deceptively simple, players uncover a surprising level of strategic complexity over time. Even after dozens of hours, they continue to discover nuanced interactions and novel optimization strategies, exemplifying the "easy to learn, hard to master" design.

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