Yakuza 3 Remastered

by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, SEGA

The Developer Says...

Kazuma Kiryu has earned his retirement on the sandy beaches of Okinawa. But when a deadly power struggle arrives on his doorstep, he’ll have to walk the streets of Kamurocho to escape his past for good. Complete The Dragon of Dojima’s journey.

Players Like...

❤ Combat System

The combat retains the series' signature over-the-top brawling and wide variety of brutal heat actions. However, the main issue is the heavily defensive AI of enemies, who frequently block and dodge attacks. This can make combat feel like a frustrating slog, as players struggle to break through the blocks. The game does provide tools to deal with this, such as specific combos and techniques that can bypass blocks. Additionally, the combat has a satisfying weight and impact, with enemies reacting realistically to Kiryu's powerful strikes. The multiple fighting styles and unlockable techniques also allow for a good degree of depth and customization in combat. While the combat may not be as refined or accessible as later entries, it still retains the core feel of visceral, over-the-top brawling.

❤ Minigames and Side Content

The game features a wide variety of diversions, including classics like darts, pool, and karaoke. However, the quality and polish of these minigames is uneven. The darts game, for example, is criticized for being overly challenging and frustrating, while the karaoke system feels underdeveloped compared to later entries. That said, the core appeal of the side content remains. Players can still enjoy a wealth of quirky, memorable side stories and substories that showcase the series' trademark blend of drama, humor, and heart. The ability to take a break from the main story to engage in these diversions is a big part of what makes the series so beloved.

❤ Progression and Customization

The progression system, while not as refined as in later games, still offers a satisfying sense of character growth and customization. Players can earn experience points and level up Kiryu's various fighting styles, unlocking new heat actions, combos, and abilities. This allows them to tailor Kiryu's combat abilities to their preferred playstyle. The game also features a somewhat basic but functional upgrade system, where players can spend points to enhance Kiryu's stats and unlock new skills. While not as deep or flexible as later entries, this progression system still provides a sense of tangible improvement and investment in Kiryu's development as a fighter.

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