Pirates Outlaws

by Fabled Game

The Developer Says...

Pirates Outlaws is a roguelike card game in which you navigate dangerous seas and challenge their masters. Your expedition will be full of ambushes and will not be easy. Build your deck and combos to become a reputed pirate.

Players Like...

❤ Unique Reload and Status Effect Systems

The game sets itself apart from Slay the Spire with its "reload" mechanic, where players have a limited number of ranged attack "ammo" that must be replenished using specific cards. This forces players to carefully manage their ammo usage, adding an extra strategic layer compared to Slay the Spire's straightforward energy system. The status effect system also differs, allowing only one status effect per fighter at a time. Players must choose between applying debuffs like Poison or granting beneficial statuses like Dodge or Attack Up. Mastering this single-status system is crucial to success. Additionally, armor gained persists between turns, enabling long-term damage mitigation planning, unlike Slay the Spire where armor resets each turn. The game also lacks "elite" enemy encounters, instead focusing on acquiring relics and cards through regular battles and purchases.

❤ Diverse 16-Hero Roster with Distinct Playstyles

One of the standout features is the extensive roster of 16 unique playable pirates, each with their own abilities and strategies. The Swordmaster excels at leeching health from damaged foes, while the Bear Tamer fights alongside a powerful bear companion. The Gunner focuses on ranged attacks and ammo management, contrasting the melee-oriented Cutthroat. This breadth of hero mechanics encourages experimentation to discover preferred playstyles.

❤ Expansive Progression and Unlocks

As players progress through seven distinct worlds, they unlock a steadily increasing array of over 700 cards, 200 relics, and 150 unique enemies. The progression system constantly rewards players, allowing them to purchase character skins, upgrade cards, and access more challenging modes like the Arena and Tavern Brawl. The depth of customization and unlockables is a major draw for those who enjoy refining their ideal pirate deck.

❤ Roguelike Challenge and Replayability

At its core, the game is a challenging roguelike experience, where players must navigate treacherous seas, battle enemies, and face powerful bosses. The procedurally generated nature of each run, combined with the deck-building mechanics, ensures no two playthroughs are alike. This high degree of randomness and unpredictability can lead to both rewarding and frustratingly difficult runs, appealing to those who embrace the genre's focus on adaptation. The inclusion of multiple game modes further enhances replayability, allowing players to approach the game from different angles and challenge themselves in new ways.

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